Roommates by Jackie Calhoun


Jackie Calhoun

Julie Decker and Peg Kincaid become roommates their freshman year at UW-Madison. Julie comes from a family of Chicago physicians. Peg’s parents own a small horse farm in Central Wisconsin. For years Peg has lived in a state of anticipation, expecting to meet someone exciting around every corner, someone like her new roommate, Julie.

Captivated by Julie’s good looks and compelling personality, Peg will go anywhere and do anything to be with her. The two young women appear to have everything going for them, yet at the end of the first semester, all that changes. And when Peg’s brother is critically injured in a horse accident, it changes again.

Will Peg and Julie manage to navigate the curves that threaten to separate them?

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ISBN 1594931232
Genre Romance
Publication Date 10-May-08
Publisher Bella Books
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 288
Language English
Rating NotRated
Paper Type Electronic Format Available
BookID 10846

Author: LFWBooks