Hers by Terry Wolverton; Robert Drake


Terry Wolverton; Robert Drake

From Booklist

To coeditor Wolverton, ‘lesbian writing is writing by lesbians, and the more diversity of subject, point of view, and scope, the better.’ Accordingly, the 21 stories in this anthology are not all, as commonly expected, preoccupied with either relationships or the pressures of coming out. Instead, a couple copes with breast cancer, cell counts, and chemotherapy in Eloise Klein Healy’s ‘Campers’ ; a woman sleeps with her blind boyfriend, then seeks satisfaction and self-definition in a lesbian sex club in Christina Sunley’s ‘Bizarro’ ; and teens explore liquor and life beyond the confines of neighborhood in Michelle T. Clinton’s ‘Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow.’ Stories that are about relationships include such stereotype flouters as Hildie V. Kraus’ tale of a woman’s green-card marriage to a gay Japanese husband-in-name-only and Rebecca Brown’s ‘The Dogs,’ in which a large bitch inexplicably appears in the narrator’s apartment and forces a codependent relationship on her. In all, this is a thought-provoking compilation worthy of nonlesbian readers’ attention. Whitney Scott

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ISBN 571198678
Genre Anthology – Fiction
Publication Date 23-Sep-96
Publisher FSAndG
Editor Terry Wolverton; Robert Drake
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 206
Language English
Rating NotRated
Editor Terry Wolverton; Robert Drake
BookID 5342

Author: LFWBooks