Chocolates For Breakfast by Pamela Moore

Chocolates For Breakfast

Pamela Moore

‘Chocolates for Breakfast’ is sometimes included in lists of early Lesbian Fiction, for the depiction of the relationship of two schoolgirls at an East Coast boarding school — the protagonist Courtney Farrell and her best friend Janet Parker — the strong bond between Courtney and her teacher Miss Rosen, and the backlash against them from the other boarding school teachers and students.

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Genre Fiction; Pulp
Copyright Date 1956
Publication Date 1957
Publisher Bantam
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 167
Notes A2862???

Pamela Moore was eighteen when her first novel, Chocolates for Breakfast, became a sensation in three languages. Readers in France, Italy, England and the U.S. snapped up hundreds of thousands of copies

Language English
Rating NotRated
Paper Type Electronic Format Available
Subject Lesbians – Fiction
BookID 2038

Author: LFWBooks