Speak it in Whispers by Arthur Adlon

Speak it in Whispers

Arthur Adlon

‘They were mother and daughter– but uncontrollable passion swept them into feverishly evil embraces’–Cover.

A scorching tale of Lesbian incest involving a gorgous mother & her ravishing daughter. ‘Double Sin. Eunice. the mother. was still a gorgeous creature who could have any man in the world fawning at her feet. Cleo. the daughter. was a ravishing beauty in the first radiant bloom of full womanhood. And the feeling they had for each other went far beyond the usual love of a mother an ddaughter. It was a raging, shameful desire – a doubly carnal lust that drove them into unspeakable sins! This is their scorching story, unfolding against the backgroud of high-fashion on two continents – and astonishing in its uncompromising honesty.

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Genre Pulp
Publication Date 1965
Publisher Domino Books
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 144
Notes Domino Book 72-905
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Lesbians; Lesbians – Fiction
BookID 12264

Author: LFWBooks