All Lovers Accepted by Don Bellmore

All Lovers Accepted

Don Bellmore

We are unable to provide a description at this time. However, WorldCat indicates 2 libraries have this book under the author name Wysteria Lee, with Don Bellmore as ‘responsible’.

Subjects are listed as:

Lesbians — Sexual behavior — Fiction.

Prostitutes — Fiction.

Lesbians — Sexual behavior.


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Genre Pulp
Copyright Date 1968
Publication Date Dec-68
Publisher Nightstand Book
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 159
Notes Nightstand Book NB1911

Don Bellmore was a pen name used by science fiction writer George Henry Smith. Although he had several nom de plumes the “Bellmore” moniker was used exclusively for pulp novels.

Okay, that cover… what the hell is she doing to her vag? Trying to set it on fire? Put out the fire by peeing on it? Maybe she was stuck in the snow in those heels, and is just warming up.

Language English
Rating NotRated
Cover Artist Tomas Cannizarro
Subject Lesbians – Fiction; Lesbians — Sexual behavior — Fiction; Prostitutes — Fiction
BookID 300

Author: LFWBooks