Best Lesbian Erotica of the Year, Vol. 6 by Sinclair Sexsmith

Best Lesbian Erotica of the Year, Vol. 6

Sinclair Sexsmith

Reaching far beyond the confines of traditional erotica, prepare to explore the intersections of ace and kink, of pan and submissive, of exquisite torment and explicit consent.

In the sixth stunning and representative volume, Sinclair Sexsmith once again offers a dazzling array of voices, perspectives, and persuasions navigating boundaries and identities in truly inventive narratives. These twenty-three steamy stories are meant not just to titillate, but to validate–spanning past the pulsing power of desire to make pleasure and trembling release both a healing and radical act.

Find and then lose yourself as you traverse the complexities of full-spectrum sexuality, one delectable story at a time.

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ISBN 978-1627783132
Genre Erotica; Black Interest; Trans
Publication Date 04-Jan-22
Publisher Cleis Press
Format Paperback
No. of Pages 320
BookID 250776

Author: LFWBooks