Bizarre by Ivan Tarpoff


Ivan Tarpoff

Reefer Party in Greenwich Village! Guests include willing bi-sex nymphs, leather-clad Amazons, a male fashion doll of femininity and Henry Weiner — one whiff of a reffer and he was willing to do anything — or have it done to him! Perverse and unnatural acts abound!

From the back:

Invitation to a village ‘tea’ party…

… not the tea that comes with sugar and cream! A reefer party in notorious Greenwich Village where passions run wild, where men love men and women love women, where leather heels and black velvet clothes hold a special appeal. The party included:

Mimi DuClos – an artiste who was a willing nymph and craved the hot embraces of men and women or groups of both!

Lisa Lowery – an Amazon in black leather clothes who ruled with an iron fist and a slicing whip!

Bob McGill – a blond Apollo who thrilled to the feel of silk and satin and loved wearing feminine clothes. A sculptor’s inspiration of manhood. A fashion doll of femininity.

Henry Weiner – he took one whiff of a reefer and was willing to do anything… and have it done to him, too.

Bizarre explores a sorded segment of New York’s Greenwich Village where artists, models, writers, poets break all conventions. This book will shock you with its naked truth…

…Night Life in Bohemia

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Genre Pulp
Publication Date 1964
Publisher First Niter
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 159
Notes First Niter FN109
Language English
Rating NotRated
Cover Artist Eric Stanton
Subject Lesbian Sleaze; Lesbians – Fiction; Popular Literature
BookID 1220

Author: LFWBooks