Called OUT by Jane Adams Spahr; Kathryn Poethig; Melinda V. McLain; Selisse Berry

Called OUT

The Voices and Gifts of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Presbyterians

Jane Adams Spahr; Kathryn Poethig; Melinda V. McLain; Selisse Berry

Forty Individual Stories of warmth and blessing that cover the history and growth of the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered movement within the Presbyterian Church (USA). Told from the point of view of those who have lived it, one cannot help but find God’s Love and Blessing in each of their lives. All too often, only one side of this complex issue of inclusion is heard, without the fairness of balance. This book makes and excellent attempt at telling the other side. It is non-judgmental, nor is it defensive. The words written and shared here are done so in love. ~ Will Smith

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ISBN 9781888493009
Genre Religion & Spirituality
Publisher Chi Rho Press
Editor Jane Adams Spahr; Kathryn Poethig; Melinda V. McLain; Selisse Berry
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 274
Language English
Rating NotRated
Editor Jane Adams Spahr; Kathryn Poethig; Melinda V. McLain; Selisse Berry
BookID 1677

Author: LFWBooks