Category: Pulp

Posted in Mystery Pulp

To Hell They Belonged by Valerie Cleis

Valerie Cleis | To Hell They Belonged | “Their love was forever damned, so To Hell They Belonged. A Twisted Twilight Tale of Murder, by Valerie Cleis. Two women thrown together by fate, thei

Posted in Pulp

Obsession by Emory Paine

Emory Paine | Obsession | THE VELVET TRAP

She wanted only to be loved, to be desired, to please and be pleased. Somehow, somewhere during her quest for fulfillment, she’d

Posted in Pulp

Case History Of A Bisexual Nymphomaniac by Sharon Parker; Roger Blake

Sharon Parker; Roger Blake | Case History Of A Bisexual Nymphomaniac | The extraordinary first-person account of a beautiful young girl’s 18 years of incest, lesbianism and sado-masochism in her search for ‘every sex-kick

Posted in Pulp

Switching Hour by Gage Carlin

Gage Carlin | Switching Hour | Wife-swapping and lesbianism

Posted in Pulp

Sweet Torment by Sylvia Sharon

Sylvia Sharon | Sweet Torment | ‘A shocking expose of TV studio sin. Torn by unnatural love, she sank into the depths of shame!’

Posted in Pulp

Why Stop At Swap by Don Bellmore

Don Bellmore | Why Stop At Swap | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Innocence by Harriet Daimler

Harriet Daimler | Innocence | First Line(s)

My mother came into my room and she gave me the tortured look that I had come to think her born expression. ‘Good night, dear,’

Posted in Pulp

The Lesbian by Benjamin Morse

Benjamin Morse | The Lesbian | Illuminated by many dramatic case histories from the private files of a prominent psychiatrist who has treated hundreds of lesbians seeking a normal w

Posted in Pulp

Flesh Fix by William Kane; Ben Haas

William Kane; Ben Haas | Flesh Fix | ‘He Held His Job with Pain and Passion’!

Posted in Pulp

Girl On A Couch by Manning Stokes

Manning Stokes | Girl On A Couch | Gay’s analyst tried to cure her but fell victin to her instead…for he was a man and she was a nymphomaniac.’

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