Category: Pulp

Posted in Pulp

Three Painful Years by A. de Granamour

A. de Granamour | Three Painful Years | hree young ladies in a hostile queen’s court are sent to the colonies to be subjugated by whip and rack; first by sailors aboard ship, then by their m

Posted in Pulp

Shame Haven by John Dexter

John Dexter | Shame Haven | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Orgy Isle by Don Elliott; Robert Silverberg

Don Elliott; Robert Silverberg | Orgy Isle | VAMPIRE WOMEN! He was washed ashore on an island of women. No man had been there for years . . . and each hungry wanton was impatient for her number t

Posted in Pulp

Too Ready for Love by James De Marco

James De Marco | Too Ready for Love | Getting into the tub with Valerie hadn’t been part of her scheme, but Brenda now found herself excited by the idea….

First Line(s)

Posted in Grier Rated Pulp

The Drifter by March Hastings

March Hastings | The Drifter | Any port in a storm and one of the ports was lesbos, she drifted from bed to bed, from men to women, trying to blot out pain with pleasure

Posted in Movie/Media Tie-In Pulp

Without A Stitch by Jens Bjørneboe

Jens Bjørneboe | Without A Stitch | First-person narrative novel about a ’19-year-old girl troubled by her frigidity with boys’ who discovers her Lesbian libido via a serious fight with

Posted in Pulp

Sex Sorority by Robert Bledsoe

Robert Bledsoe | Sex Sorority | ‘They played a game of weird Lesbian…and unnatural love’.

Posted in Pulp

Virgin Lust by Chuck Sanders

Chuck Sanders | Virgin Lust | Their passion was open and naked… there were no taboos for this strange clan of pleasure seekers

Posted in Pulp

A Time For Lust by Duane Davis

Duane Davis | A Time For Lust | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp Vintage

It Happened At Boarding School! by Kenneth Harding

Kenneth Harding | It Happened At Boarding School! | An erotic novel featuring dominance and corporal punishment; primarily female domination of women.

First Line:

It was a warm, early Septe