Category: Pulp

Posted in Pulp

The Other Side of Desire by Paula Christian

Paula Christian | The Other Side of Desire | Cover copy reads: ‘One love was natural. The other was forbidden–and dangerous!’

Would beautiful Carrie risk losing all she possessed for a

Posted in Pulp

Sexual Deviations by Frank S. Caprio; Louis S. London

Frank S. Caprio; Louis S. London | Sexual Deviations | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Promise of Love by Mary Renault

Mary Renault | Promise of Love | The dazzling novel of a girl who, in her search for love, recklessly experiments with another kind of feeling.

Posted in Pulp

Sex And The American Housewife by George Bishop

George Bishop | Sex And The American Housewife | ‘A shocking and highly informed analysis of the sexual morals of the American wife.’

Posted in Pulp

Satan’s Harvest by Sanford Aday

Sanford Aday | Satan’s Harvest | A Mexican girl, Lupe, from a broken home, goes–with her older sister–into a brothel, but is “protected” from the advances of the men by the fact tha

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Anything Goes by Marjorie Price

Marjorie Price | Anything Goes | Cover copy reads: ‘I sold my body to strangers in order to keep the one man who could satisfy my secret need!’

Posted in Pulp

Lesbian Lane by Matt(hew) Bradley

Matt(hew) Bradley | Lesbian Lane | A scorching spotlight on the epidemic of homosexuality among American women. Frank! Unashamed! Challenging!

Posted in Pulp

The Off-Limits World by Carla Josephs

Carla Josephs | The Off-Limits World | ‘Normal’ men and women were not permitted to enter their realm of lust and passion gone wild’

‘In Greenwich Village, there are dim and shadow

Posted in Pulp

Une fille est une fille by H.R. Lenormand

H.R. Lenormand | Une fille est une fille | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Perfume Affair by I. Wellman Hill

I. Wellman Hill | Perfume Affair | She used her sex to violate every moral code in her wanton world.