Sloane Britain | The Needle | Man or woman, sister or brother: Her Lust Knew No Bounds! Overly contrived shocker about Gina, a young girl who falls simultaneously into narcotics, l
Albina Jackson | Dusky Dyke | They crossed the color line, seeking thrills, variety, equality… but what pale lover could equal Amanda… brain-reeling, dusky, heady as hot rum!
Michael Jones | Shampoo Girl | ‘To avenger her husband’s infidelity, Peggy plays a dangerous game, scheming with his brothers to seduce the other woman into a dark world of lesbian
Rita Wilde; Charles Nuetzel | Two-Way Street | Copy reads: ‘She was torn between the security of her husband and her love for the gorgeous girl named Martha–Her choice was on the side of hot, ting
Hyman Dutch | Killer Whore | ‘In bed or out, she was an animal. The crashing story of a savage blood sucker who killed men with the one weapon he had — sex’
Tony Calvano | Carnal Captive | First line: Victor, that was all the name he had — her men seldom gave their last names — was an effeminate-looking man.