Margaret Anson | The Merry Order Of St. Bridget | Book consists of 12 long, detailed private letters to a friend about the Merry Order of St. Bridget, detailing flagellation and lesbian games.
Roland Vane | Sinful Sisters | June and Lorna share a London flat Lorna shameless, mercenary and sordid, her sister quite the reverse “sinister side-streets of Soho and the gari
Dorine Clark | Hell Cat | ‘No sin too awful, no vice too cruel…Night life as it really is- stripped of glamor, sodden with sex, feeding on naked desire.’
Prion Books UK | She Tried to Be Good | As America slowly relaxed its moral codes in the postwar era, pulp novels offered an initiation to the previously hidden demimondes of sex and hedonis
Frank Marcus | The Killing of Sister George | Author Frank Marcus was once The Sunday Telegraph’s distinguished drama critic, and when he laid pen to paper for this play, he captured a powerful st