Florence King | French Job | Kinky sexual intrigue is the name of the game when a foreign correspondent bumps into a gorgeous oversexed teenager and her tantalizing lesbian mother
Arnold Dixon | Night Riders | ‘ … and his Greenwich village sidekick, whose hobby is smoking pot, getting high, then holding parties in his studio apartment. ‘
Colette | Claudine at School | Claudine is a curious, precocious, and rather spoiled girl growing up in the small town of Montigny. Colette’s first novel is about Claudine’s adventu
Mairel Dairto | Lez Be Lustful | Cover copy reads: ‘The old story of the sweet, young girl sexually abused by a man and her resulting hatred and distrust of all males turned her to th
Margurite Frame | All the Gay Girls | ‘To the men in her life, she was Martha, a beautiful woman executive–desirable, envied, feared. But to the women in her life, she was Marty–a lesbia