Deerhaven Pines by Diana McRae

Deerhaven Pines

Diana McRae

The foothills of California hold many beauties–and many secrets. The walls of Deerhaven Forest Hall protect the cherished secrets of its residents, and all that they believe and have guarded for more years than they can count.

Sula Smith is the latest protector. Married to duty and desperate to preserve what so many want to destroy, her trysts are short-lived and never repeated. The nearby town of Deerhaven Pines knows her, or of her.

Lesley Windsor doesn’t realize she is seeking answers when she enters the Hall for the first time. A typical 1970s housewife, she is unprepared for the people, living and otherwise, who have agendas she can’t fathom. Sula Smith is deeply unsettling. But the moment she meets the tender and kind Rachel Windsor, Lesley knows she can’t leave.

Welcome to Deerhaven Pines, where history, fate, love and justice begins…and ends.

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ISBN 9781594932885
Genre Romance
Publication Date 24-Apr-12
Publisher Bella Books
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 264
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 2873

Author: LFWBooks