Dew In April by John Clayton

Dew In April

John Clayton

‘Romance of the Middle Ages, laid in the Convent of St. Lazarus of the Butterflies. Dolores, a homeless vagabond, is given shelter by Mother Leonor, a mystic, repressed, white-hot and deeply tender woman whose passionate emotional attachments to her young novices are never explicit but pervade the entire book. Much of the story is concerned with a subtle, sweet and innocently sensual blossoming of adolescent emotions into homo-erotic form under the pressures of convent life; the interplay of delicate love relationships between Dolores, Mother Leonor, and the young novices Dezirada and Clarisse, and their fluctuation between despair, self-sacrifice and compassionate love when Dolores finds a knightly lover, Pedro, is probably unmatched in studies of feminine variance.’ ~ Checklist, Marion Zimmer Bradley

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Genre Romance; Checklist by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Publication Date 15-Mar-35
Publisher Kendall & Sharpe
Language English
Rating Great
Illustrator John Alan Maxwell
BookID 3025

Author: LFWBooks