Family Values by Vicki Stevenson

Family Values

Vicki Stevenson

Devastated by the collapse of her long-term relationship, Alice Cruz decides to begin life anew. She moves to a small town, rents an apartment, and establishes a career in real estate. But when she tries to liquidate some of her investments for a down payment on a house, she discovers that she has been victimized by a con artist.

Local resident Tyler Sorensen has a track record of countless affairs without any emotional involvement. Known for her sexy good looks, easygoing kindness, and unique approach to problems, Tyler is asked by a mutual friend to figure out how Alice can recover her money.

While Tyler’s elaborate plan progresses and members of her LGBT family work toward the solution, they discover that the con game involves more people and far higher stakes than they had imagined. As the family encounters unexpected obstacles, Tyler and Alice struggle with a growing emotional connection deeper than either woman has ever experienced.

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ISBN 1932300899
Genre Romance
Copyright Date 2007
Publication Date Jul-07
Publisher Yellow Rose Books
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 176
Series Family of Choice
# in Series 1
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 3790

Author: LFWBooks