Growing Up in a Lesbian Family by Fiona L. Tasker; Susan Golombok

Growing Up in a Lesbian Family

Effects on Child Development

Fiona L. Tasker; Susan Golombok

Legal battles over same-sex marriage have drawn increasing public attention to the question of whether lesbian and gay families can raise happy, healthy children. Opponents of the legal recognition of homosexual unions have based their arguments in part on the premise that children brought up by parents of the same sex face significant social and psychological disadvantages. This pioneering volume provides an objective and long overdue look at the experiences of the children themselves. Presenting a unique longitudinal study of 25 children raised in lesbian mother families, and a comparison group raised by single heterosexual mothers, the book examines the developmental effects of growing up in a same-sex household–and confronts a range of myths and stereotypes along the way.

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ISBN 9781572304123
Genre LGBT Studies/Social Sciences
Publication Date 13-Jul-98
Publisher Guilford Press
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 194
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Child Development; Children Of Gay Parents; Gender identity; Lesbian Mothers; Sex role
BookID 5053

Author: LFWBooks