Information and Belief
Alexis Janus
Probation Officer Natalie Fisher has seen it all, from the felon who insists he tests positive for marijuana because of oral sex with his dope-smoking girlfriend, to the serial rapist of young girls who cunningly presents himself as a loving grandson and father-to-be. Natalie deals with lawyers who council criminals on how to cheat the system, judges who ignore her recommendations, and physically dangerous situations. Yet despite the constant frustration and the stress of maintaining a gay relationship in a straight world, she remains undefeated. Street smart, brutally realistic about human nature, Natalie never loses her courage or her sense of humor, and somehow stays optimistic and compassionate. And she manages to make a difference.
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ISBN | 1403340609 |
Genre | Fiction |
Publication Date | Oct-02 |
Publisher | Authorhouse |
Format | Trade Paperback |
No. of Pages | 224 |
Language | English |
Rating | NotRated |
BookID | 5970 |