Journal of Ugly Sites
Stacy Szymaszek

What is it to be contemporary with one’s time? The exaltation of the quotidian! These are dystopic times surely: broken intercoms, “American infrastructure getting a D”, samsara breathing in & out of each individual pore. Human heartbreak in all the realms, from the suffering of beloved animals, to emotional intensity of partners, friends. It’s highly charged, pithy and “personal”. What makes this interesting is not only Szymaszek’s honest engagement with particulars of blood, guts, vomit, sick rat etcetera but also her chosen form: short quips, slashes, epigrammatic poetry that hits hard and fast on the senses. She’s shadow boxing with the phenomenal world! We also get bird’s-eye view from within the dynamic downtown New York poetry scene veering back and forth to Carroll Gardens and its colorful contrasting dailyness. The voting line is slowest there. Icons Walt Whitman, Peter Hujar, Joan Mitchell, Robert Duncan surface as the macaroon shop closes. Journal of Ugly Sites & Other Journals is a brilliant tantric meditation on the endlessly fascinating urban charnel ground. ~ Anne Waldman
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ISBN | 978-1934200995 |
Genre | Poetry |
Publication Date | 2016 |
Publisher | Fence |
Format | Paperback |
Notes | Lambda Literary Award Finalist, Lesbian Poetry |
Language | English |
Rating | Good |
BookID | 6219 |