Night Riders into Sadism by Kenneth Harding

Night Riders into Sadism

Kenneth Harding

A young woman is quickly brought to the point of happy slavery to her bull dyke mistresses after a brief sadistic sojourn in Durton’s Women’s Reformatory. No act of oral or anal sex is too degrading or unwelcome after a session in the punishment rooms outfitted with intriguing punishment tools. An ivory dildo painfully frees an innocent victim of her virginal wall, while she learns the dubious pleasures of lesbianism. The red-neck sheriff treats himself and friends to the unlimited sexuality offered by the inmates. Punishment for the pleasure of sadistic ‘law enforcers.’ A startling expose! Illustrated.

First Line(s)

Phyllis Masterson turned scarlet, squirmed away in her seat at the back of the cab as far as she could get from her escort, and then, biting her lips with furious embarrassment, reached over and slapped his face. ‘How dare you,’ she said in a choked voice. ‘I thought you were a gentleman, Edward!’

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ISBN 9781608729784
Genre Erotica
Publication Date 2011
Publisher Olympia Press
Format Paperback
No. of Pages 128
Language English
Rating NotRated
Paper Type Electronic Format Available
Subject Lesbian Sleaze
BookID 8845

Author: LFWBooks