Posted in Health

Lesbian Women And Sexual Health by Kathleen A. Dolan

Kathleen A. Dolan | Lesbian Women And Sexual Health | ‘Interviewer: Where did you find out how to have safe lesbian sex?Val: I found out in jail.’Why do so many lesbian women engage in sexual behavior tha

Posted in Romance

Safe Harbor by Radclyffe

Radclyffe | Safe Harbor | A mysterious newcomer, a reclusive doctor, and a troubled gay teenager learn about love, friendship, and trust during one tumultuous summer in Provinc

Posted in History

Lesbian Lists by Dell Richards

Dell Richards | Lesbian Lists | A look at lesbian culture, history, and personalities. For example: 8 Holy Days for lesbians; 3 Lesbian Couples buried together; 7 Masturbatory Obje

Posted in Anthology - Fiction Speculative Fiction

What Did Miss Darrington See? by Jessica Amanda Salmonson

Jessica Amanda Salmonson | What Did Miss Darrington See? |    This collection of 24 entertaining and haunting 19th-and 20th-century tales from the U.S., Britain, and Latin America reclaims a literary tradition

Posted in Vintage

Lady Lez, M.D. by Paul Roan

Paul Roan | Lady Lez, M.D. | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Forbidden Women by Roger James

Roger James | Forbidden Women | What happens to a small town when a gang of play-for-pay girls arrive for a one night stand!

Posted in Autobiography/Biography Grier Rated

A Woman Appeared to Me by Renée Vivien

Renée Vivien | A Woman Appeared to Me | An autobiographical novel recounting the author’s love affair with Natalie Clifford Barney, originally published in Paris in 1904.

Posted in Pulp

Lesbian Witch by Jackson Harmon

Jackson Harmon | Lesbian Witch | Her sexy body was burning with suppressed desires… her hunger to couple with other women drove her to new heights of ecstasy!

Posted in Fiction

Brandy by Heather Conrad

Heather Conrad | Brandy | Brandy is a sweet sixteen year-old whose best friend is her beautiful horse, Gray. Suddenly at school she has a new best friend, Dina, an émigré from

Posted in Biographical Fiction Fiction Pulp

Claudine and Annie by Colette

Colette | Claudine and Annie | In this final novel in Colette’s famous series it is Claudine’s friend Annie who tells the story in the form of a private diary.

Claudine is