Nina Farewell | Someone To Love | One brief, incomplete lesbian episode in a long, interesting novel of a woman’s continual search for real love in a life filled with fleeting liaisons
Rosamond s. King | Rock | Salt | Stone | Rock | Salt | Stone sprays life-preserving salt through the hard realities of rocks, stones, and rockstones used as anchors, game pieces, or weapons.
Kristen Ringman | I Stole You | Ringman, whose novel Makara was a Lambda Literary Award finalist for Debut Fiction, has this to say about her second book:
Joshua Gamson | Modern Families | The kinds of families we see today are different than they were even a decade ago as paths to parenthood have been rejiggered by technology, activism,
Miranda July | The First Bad Man | ‘Here is Cheryl, a tightly-wound, vulnerable woman who lives alone, with a perpetual lump in her throat. She is haunted by a baby boy she met when she
Sarah Waters | Fingersmith | ‘We were all more or less thieves at Lant Street. But we were that kind of thief that rather eased the dodgy deed along, than did it We could pass a
Kay Boyle | The Crazy Hunter | In particular, the novella Bridegroom’s Body is specifically mentioned by Grier. In this novella, Lady Glourie realizes that the young nurse who has
Debra Busman | Like a Woman | Like A Woman follows Taylor, a working class white girl too tough and too tender for her own good, who helps friends, rescues strays, and carri
Nell Stark; Trinity Tam | Sunfall | In the final installment of the everafter series, Valentine Darrow and Alexa Newland work to rebuild their relationship even as they find themselves a