Stake Through the Heart by Barbara Johnson; Karin Kallmaker; Therese Szymanski; Julia Watts

Stake Through the Heart

Barbara Johnson; Karin Kallmaker; Therese Szymanski; Julia Watts

Between dusk and dark lies another world.

The playful quartet that penned the acclaimed Once Upon A Dyke are dimming the lights for journeys into worlds of breathless seduction.

Haunted castles and lost ingĂ©nues, shadows hungry for life, immortal beings of power claiming their captive souls–everything is possible when the sun goes down.

Curl up for seductive, skin-tingling novellas, perfect for bed time. Don’t worry–the flutter at the window is only the curtain in the breeze…

Barbara Johnson, Karin Kallmaker, Therese Szymanski and Julia Watts join forces again for the third in their critically-acclaimed New Exploits series, creating unique stories with lesbian erotica, humor and adventure. The result is what Curve Magazine called ‘a true rarity.’

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ISBN 1594930716
Genre Erotica
Publication Date Jun-07
Publisher Bella Books
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 345
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 12342

Author: LFWBooks