Suddenly, Wonderfully Gay by Peter Kanto

Suddenly, Wonderfully Gay

Peter Kanto

Front cover text:

Suddenly, Wonderfully Gay

by Peter Kanto

Jan was a happy housewife and mother until Wren walked into her life and twisted it to her own needs!


Back cover text:

Torn, tormented, and tempted beyond the endurance of her human needs, Jan Gennewine found herself driven into a lesbian love which grew into a horrendous nightmare that finally exploded in a Florida cottage. But even as she retreated to her safe world, something happened that Jan would never have thought possible in her wildest fantasies!

First line:

‘Had Steve not been on one of his kicks, preserving his primordial energies, she would have overlooked Wren’s sarcasm.’

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Genre Pulp
Copyright Date 19-Jan-68
Publication Date 1968
Publisher Brandon House
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 190
Notes Brandon Book 2046
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Lesbian Sleaze; Lesbians
BookID 12669

Author: LFWBooks