Gus Stevens | The Gay Tease | Joyce was eager to tease her boss, both in the office and in bed. But she was shocked when her teasing brought a passionate response from both her bos
Ocean | Shattering Rainbows | Two women, once deeply in love, now struggle to keep their love alive. A dream weekend in Provincetown with some of their closest friends sounded like
Red Jordan Arobateau | Fisherpeople | Bitter-sweet story of Senior Alverez; Mexican migrant farmworker, grandfather, living out his old age alone in El Barrio with all his cats & Senor Poo
Taylor James | Hawke | Jaden Hawke is a young professional softball player who has just been signed by the Dallas Metros team. She graduated from Michigan where she led her
Suzanne Raitt | Volcanoes and Pearl Divers | Volcanoes and Pearl Divers is a vibrant anthology of UK-based essays about English language lesbian writers from the 17th century to the present, incl
Rose Mary Denman | Let My People In | As a minister of the United Methodist Church, Rose Mary Denman preached about honesty and truth, but she was unable to speak the truth about her life,