Tag: NotRated

Posted in Mystery

Everything You Have Is Mine by Sandra Scoppettone

Sandra Scoppettone | Everything You Have Is Mine | The debut of the Lauren Laurano murder mystery series.

Private investigator Lauren Laurano makes her funny and suspenseful debut as a sleuth

Posted in Speculative Fiction YA Fiction (Young Adult)

Just Killing Time by Linda Kay Silva

Linda Kay Silva | Just Killing Time | Witches, female pirates, spirits, and the mighty Bian Sidhe abound in this fourth installment of the time travel quests of Jessie Ferguson.


Posted in Relationships

Feathering Your Nest by Jennie Mast; Gwen Leonhard

Jennie Mast; Gwen Leonhard | Feathering Your Nest | FEATHERING YOUR NEST: An interactive Workbook and Guide to a Loving Lesbian Relationship. FEATHERING YOUR NEST is filled with effective suggestions an

Posted in YA Fiction (Young Adult)

Erik and Isabell by Kim Wallace

Kim Wallace | Erik and Isabell | Anyone who says that youth is wasted on the young never met Erik & Isabelle… The two best friends, a year older and a tad wiser, return to Foresthill

Posted in Speculative Fiction

Gaylaxicon Sampler 2006 by Don Sakers

Don Sakers | Gaylaxicon Sampler 2006 | A celebration of queer speculative fiction. In these pages you’ll find writers from across the spectrum of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender

Posted in Anthology - Fiction Erotica

Sometimes She Lets Me by Tristan Taormino

Tristan Taormino | Sometimes She Lets Me | Does the swagger of a sure-footed butch make you swoon? Do your knees go weak when you see a femme straighten her stockings? A duet between two sorts

Posted in Mystery

Friend Of The Firm by Frances Richter

Frances Richter | Friend Of The Firm | Review

Friend of the Firm is a riveting read by a new author I , for one, can’t wait to hear from again. In Sheldon Bailey, Richter has crafted a

Posted in Autobiography/Biography

Wild Mares by Dianna Hunter

Dianna Hunter | Wild Mares | A wry memoir of growing up, coming out, and going back to the land as a lesbian feminist in the rural Midwest of the 1960s and 70s

Dianna Hun

Posted in Anthology - Fiction Erotica

Erotica by Margaret Reynolds

Margaret Reynolds | Erotica | ‘This collection shows that women have seen themselves as aggressive and receptive lovers, as well as philosophically sexual and loving partners, sinc

Posted in Pulp

Madwoman? by Emily Harvin

Emily Harvin | Madwoman? | Novel about a wife’s two-year struggle with madness inside the walls of a mental hospital for women.