Margaret Cruikshank | Lesbian Studies | Depicts the experiences of gay women in the academic world and discusses the teaching of lesbian history, biography, and literature.
Dale Boswell | Marble Halls | Two gorgeous young women become firm friends, but are also strongly attracted. Mutual attraction blossoms into passionate romance. But selfishness str
Linda Alvarez | Dyke the Halls | This package of holiday cheer celebrates lesbian passion just in time for gift-giving season. The book’s compact trim size makes it perfect for stocki
Edward Marshall | Madame Butch | Cover copy reads: ‘House for special problems. Whether you had a Lolita-complex, a fetish urge for black leather, a desire for kissing soft panties, o
Sophia Walker | Opposite The Tourbus | The poems collected here tell those stories whether that is an eye opening report from a sex education workshop in an everyday British town, or someth
Martha Clark Cummings | Mono Lake: Stories | Mono Lake, a collection of nine stories set in New York City, Florida, and France, deals with lesbians’ quests for love and understanding, for identit
John Malcolm Brinnin | The Third Rose | The first detailed biograph including literary criticism, art history, and social history. See also Addison-Wesley (1987 ISBN: 9780201058802) , P. Smi