Tag: NotRated

Posted in Speculative Fiction

Mundane’s World: A Novel by Judy Grahn

Judy Grahn | Mundane’s World: A Novel | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Mystery Speculative Fiction Unpublished

Love Murders by Sarah Dreher

Sarah Dreher | Love Murders | I believe this is a new Stoner McTavish but I cannot find anything else.

Posted in Fiction

Looking in the Shadows by Amy S. Khoudari

Amy S. Khoudari | Looking in the Shadows | Born in New York City in 1866, amateur photographer Alice Austen relishes life as she lives and works in Staten Island, New York. But when she meets G

Posted in Poetry

Looking At Women by Fran Winant

Fran Winant | Looking At Women | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Romance

Awakenings by Jackie Calhoun

Jackie Calhoun | Awakenings | Sarah Sweeney and Hayley Baxter are incredulous when they literally bump into each other among the tens of thousands of protesters at the Wisconsin St

Posted in Poetry

Strawberries by Barbara Noda

Barbara Noda | Strawberries | Poetry by the lesbian Asian-American author, illustrated (with rather sedate drawings) by the Symbionese Liberation Army’s former bomb maker.

Posted in LGBT Studies/Social Sciences

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People With Developmental Disabilities and Mental Retardation by John D. Allen

John D. Allen | Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People With Developmental Disabilities and Mental Retardation | Allen’s succinct book is a very readable account of the Rainbow Support Group based in Connecticut, USA. Significantly, it states that Connecticut has

Posted in Pulp

The Devil’s Wrath by Mark Lucas

Mark Lucas | The Devil’s Wrath | A powerful story of innocent girls being seduced by a Lesbian and sold into white slavery after she grew tired of their young bodies…..

Posted in Intrigue/Thriller Mystery Romance

White Roses Calling by Dakota Hudson

Dakota Hudson | White Roses Calling | Sydney Rutledge is a rising star in the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. In the midst of a career making serial murder prosecution she finds he

Posted in Pulp

Art Colony Perverts by Cal de Feo

Cal de Feo | Art Colony Perverts | They lived their art in depraved orgies.