Tag: NotRated

Posted in Biographical Fiction

Goddess by Kelly Gardiner

Kelly Gardiner | Goddess | A sparkling, witty and compelling novel based on the tragic rise and fall of the beautiful seventeenth century swordswoman and opera singer, Julie d’A

Posted in Romance Short Story Collection (Multiple Authors)

The Boss of Her by Julie Cannon; Aurora Rey; M. Ullrich

Julie Cannon; Aurora Rey; M. Ullrich | The Boss of Her | Going to work never felt so good. Three office romance novellas from talented writers Julie Cannon, Aurora Rey, and M. Ullrich. In For Your Eyes Only

Posted in LGBT Studies/Social Sciences

The Pink Line by Mark Gevisser

Mark Gevisser | The Pink Line | A groundbreaking look at how the issues of sexuality and gender identity divide and unite the world today More than seven years in the making, Mark G

Posted in Autobiography/Biography

Rainbow Revolutionaries by Sarah Prager

Sarah Prager | Rainbow Revolutionaries | One of Time Out’s “LGBTQ+ books for kids to read during Pride Month,” this groundbreaking, pop-culture-infused illustrated biography collection takes

Posted in Autobiography/Biography

Women Remembered by Charlotte Bunch; Nancy Myron

Charlotte Bunch; Nancy Myron | Women Remembered | A collection of short biographies of women originally printed in The Furies. Ranging from the Trojan Women to Gertrude Stein, each article discusses t

Posted in Law & Government

The Eu Enlargement And Gay Politics by Heleen Touquet; Koen Slootmaeckers; Peter Vermeersch

Heleen Touquet; Koen Slootmaeckers; Peter Vermeersch | The Eu Enlargement And Gay Politics | This book offers a well-investigated and accessible picture of the current situation around the politics of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgen

Posted in Romance

Mrs Blackwood by Eve Kaan

Eve Kaan | Mrs Blackwood | Paradise in the heart of the Mediterranean. An extravagant villa and a fresh breeze. Julie is a woman with plenty of secrets behind her seemingly ca

Posted in Romance

Changing Leaves by Edie Bryant

Edie Bryant | Changing Leaves | Gina hasn’t always made the best choices, there are people in her past that she’s deeply hurt. One of those people being Jess, her best friend who she

Posted in LGBT Studies/Social Sciences

It’s Not Over by Michelangelo Signorile

Michelangelo Signorile | It’s Not Over | n It’s Not Over, pioneering journalist Michelangelo Signorile boldly confronts the challenges that lie ahead for LGBT Americans. Drawing on provocativ

Posted in Romance

The Intern by Mia Archer

Mia Archer | The Intern | A forbidden office romance. She was off limits in more ways than one. So why can’t I get her out of my head? Nicole was stuck in a rut. Marking time