The Beach Women by Steve Blake

The Beach Women

Steve Blake

‘ Women on the loose, with a craving for sexual adventure that drives them into acid-fueled orgies.’



VICKI: who discovered she liked crowd action after that wild, LSD-ruled night with all those lusting men

SUZANNE: who wanted to dominate her lovers and was only satisfied when she could call the sex shots

MARGARET: who couldn’t decide whether she preferred men or women…and kept experimenting with both

LEONA: whose twisted needs made her an easy prey for a special kind of pick-up

They tried to cram all their pent-up hungers into those few weeks’ freedom at the beach — without husbands, without guidance, without rules.

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Genre Pulp
Publication Date 1967
Publisher Softcover Library
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 192
Notes Softcover Book B1070S

Maybe a second printing in 1969

Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Lesbian Sleaze
BookID 875

Author: LFWBooks