The Wanderground by Sally Miller Gearhart

The Wanderground

Stories of the Hill Women

Sally Miller Gearhart

The Wanderground is a speculative fiction novel by Sally Miller Gearhart, published in 1979 by Persephone Press. It is Gearhart’s first and most famous novel, and continues to be used in Women’s Studies classes as a characteristic example of the separatist feminism movement from the 1970s.

The Wanderground is set in the United States, in the future, although no date is given. The stories focus on the hill women, a group of women who have fled from the men-ruled cities to the wilderness, where they live in all-women communities in harmony with each other and the natural world. The hill women have psychic powers that they use to communicate with each other and with animals, and to move through the world. The main narrative that weaves throughout almost all of the stories, is caused by some kind of shift in the cosmic balance between the hill women and the cities. Rumors are whispered, things are getting worse for women in the cities. As the stories build on each other, subtle remarks are made about how things are getting worse, the cities are becoming even more controlling, it is more dangerous for the women underground, men are appearing outside of the cities, even to the point of rapes occurring in the borderlands. Something is changing. The tension finally comes to the foreground when the gentles (gay men, who have the greatest respect for all women, especially the hill women) request a meeting with the hill women. The message is smuggled out of the city, and a great discussion begins. Even though the gentles are considered to be allies of the hill women, they are still men, and this mixed status of ally and enemy causes a great debate.

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ISBN 9780932870551
Genre Speculative Fiction; Grier Rated
Copyright Date 1978
Publication Date Jun-84
Publisher Alyson Books
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 196
Language English
Rating Great
Paper Type Electronic Format Available
BookID 14178

Author: LFWBooks