The Wife Swappers by Andrew Shaw

The Wife Swappers

Andrew Shaw

“Problems in bed were no problems at all to the members of Eastport’s highly secret suburban switch club. Who could have problems with eight beautiful, different women to choose from? For that was the lot of each man in this fantastic sex-prowling group. Eight of the most lusty, passionate women in the town, each with her different desires, her peculiar sex habits. And with eight women so easy to reach, it was inevitable that there would be troubleĀ… for the wives were very different: one was a lesbian, one was a nymphomaniac, one a masochist, another frigid, and still another erupting like a bomb at the mere touch of a man. They lived a lust-0ridden, lighting fast, terrifying and sex crammed game of wife-swapping!”

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Genre Pulp
Copyright Date 1960
Publication Date 1960
Publisher Nightstand Book
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 191
Notes Nightstand Book 1526
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Adultery; Erotic Literature; Extramarital sex behavior; Lesbian Sleaze; Marriage problems; Sex clubs
BookID 14601

Author: LFWBooks