Woman at War by Dacia Maraini

Woman at War

Dacia Maraini

Woman at War is the diary of a woman’s growing self-awareness. Beginning as a passively absent narrator, Vannina encounters a fascinating array of characters during the holiday she takes on an island in the Bay of Naples with her husband, Giacinto. When he returns to work in a garage in Rome, Vannina travels to Naples with Suna, a friend she has made on vacation. This startling character opens Vannina to the possibility of finding love through other women and helps her reject the role of serving coffee to the men who would change the world through violence. Back in Rome, Vannina rejects her former life and moves toward complete, if difficult, independence. First English translation, paperback, third printing, 290 pp.

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ISBN 934977127
Genre Fiction
Publication Date Feb-89
Publisher Italica Pr
Format Paperback
No. of Pages 290
Rating NotRated
BookID 14755

Author: LFWBooks