There is No Crying for Shed Coffee

In 1681, Andrew Yarranton wrote “Sir, there is no crying for shed milk, that which is past cannot be recall’d”. It’s from from England’s Improvement by Sea and Land. Today, I write, “there is no crying for shed coffee, that which is spilled cannot be drunk.”

Day 2 of Uber Eats was only slightly better than Day 1. This time, it was David on a bike. You can send a message to the delivery person only after they have picked up. I could see he had arrived at Starbucks but not yet picked up the iced coffee order, when he headed north.

The thing is, north at this location is literally into the underground parking garage of a building. This is the same mistake Walid made. Now, I saw that David went there, obviously looked around and saw it was a parking garage, and then came back to Starbucks to get the order.

Screenshot of the Uber Eats Google map


But David has faith in the directions provided by the app he has that tells him where to go. He grabbed my order and headed back into the parking garage.

The Messages Begin

I begin the messages: come south down Jarvis, your Uber map is crazy.

He turns around and heads down Jarvis. Yeah! I send another message : South past Wellesley, then the first street on your left. It’s a one way, bikes excepted.

He stopped at the traffic lights. Perfect. I turned my attention away. I look again, and he’s ridden past. No no, come back. Turn around you went too far. Come back and turn right at the lights.

Back he comes. Yeah! He leaves the coffee at the door while I wait on the other side. I can even smell the coffee which I think is weird but maybe heat my addiction to coffee speaking. Once he’s gone, I open the door and… The lid had come loose on one of the coffees and soaked the bag it’s in.

Coffee and ice everywhere. I just paid a lot of money for half a cup of coffee.

So today hasn’t gotten off to a great start. I’m kind of dreading getting back to Mrs. Egg & Other Barbarians, hoping the lesbian humour comes soon.

Wish me luck.

Author: LFWSue