Ann Vickers by Sinclair Lewis

Ann Vickers

Sinclair Lewis

The novel follows the heroine, Ann Vickers, from tomboy school girl in the late 19th century American Midwest, through college, and into her forties. It charts her postgraduate suffragist phase in the early 20th century. As a suffragist, she is imprisoned, and her experiences there lead her to become interested in social work and prison reform. As a social worker in a settlement house during the First World War, she has her first sexual affair, becomes pregnant, and has an abortion. Later, having become successful running a modern and progressive prison for women, she marries a dull man, more out of loneliness than love.

Includes one important lesbian episode in a novel of woman suffrage, viciously condemnatory.

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Genre Fiction
Publication Date 1933
Publisher Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc
Format Hardcover
Notes Look for multiple editions, publishers and covers. First edition was 2350 copies printed on rag paper.
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 520

Author: LFWBooks