Another Mother by Ruthann Robson

Another Mother

Ruthann Robson

Angie is a lesbian in a successful relationship, mother to an adopted daughter, and an attorney specializing in lesbian legal issues. She is also struggling to make sense of her difficult childhood, her love-hate relationship with her mother, and her multiplicity of roles. Angie’s identity crisis reaches a boiling point when she must defend both a lesbian mother accused of killing her child, and herself, against a charge of sexual harassment.


From Publishers Weekly

Robson (Circle) has crafted a delicately nuanced novel about one woman’s attempts to make sense of the labels that define her life. Angie Evans, a product of hardscrabble coal country and a depressive, clinging and abusive mother for whom she herself must now assume responsibility, is a high-powered New York lawyer specializing in defending the rights of lesbian mothers to retain custody of their children. Angie is a mother herself, to the adopted Skye, whose parenting she shares with Rachel, also a lawyer and her life partner of many years. She’s also a reluctant philanderer, trapped in an unsatisfying affair with Kim, a manipulative legal intern. Angie is a workaholic and certainly obsessive, her life governed by the entries in the massive organizer book she carries everywhere; her dreams are confined to the pages of catalogues displaying luxury items. In episodic chapters stretching over a year, Angie’s past and present merge, vignettes from her childhood and youth mixing with scenes from her current life. When the supports and boundaries of her existence begin to crumble (a client commits suicide, Rachel discovers her affair, etc.), Angie crashes as well, both figuratively and literally. And yet there is hope that somehow Angie will emerge complete, stronger for her travails and centered at last.

Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal

Robson (law, CUNY), author of the non-fiction work Lesbian (Out) Law (LJ 6/1/92), has also written two short story collections (e.g., Cecile, LJ 11/15/91). The heroine of her first novel is a radical feminist and lesbian lawyer who specializes in defending mothers who have killed their children. Angie Evans is caught on a tightrope of conflicting tensions. She loves her partner, Rachel, and their adopted child but drifts into a love affair. She cares passionately about her clients but feels trapped by her successful reputation. And, most importantly, she both loves and fears her mother. Unable to penetrate or dispel the cloud of depression surrounding her mother, Angie wants desperately to be different from her. Exhausted by the constant effort to stay in control, Angie seeks a balance between her professional and personal lives. While the ending is a little melodramatic, the novel’s deft characterizations are solid. Recommended for most fiction collections.

Jan Blodgett, Coll., Davidson, N.C.

Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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ISBN 312134312
Genre Fiction
Publication Date Oct-95
Publisher St Martins Pr
Format Hardcover
No. of Pages 259
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 550

Author: LFWBooks