Book Of Knowledge by Doris Grumbach

Book Of Knowledge

Doris Grumbach

From Publishers Weekly

The chasm between appearance and reality, between expectations and disillusionment, is the theme of Grumbach’s latest novel, whose dark message emerges from the unfulfilled sexual identities of her four characters. None of the four preadolescent youngsters who meet during the summer of 1929 in the town of Far Rockaway, N.Y., will achieve a happy life. Caleb and Kate Flowers, raised by their widowed, reclusive mother in the beachside community, are propelled by their pleasantly claustrophobic existence and their ‘twinned sensibility’ to be best friends, and later, innocent explorers of each other’s bodies. The fathers of Roslyn Hellman and Lionel Schwartz are wealthy Manhattan stockbrokers who will soon lose their jobs and money in the stock market crash. Grumbach (Coming Into the End Zone) follows these characters episodically during the ensuing 15 years, ‘in which the nadir of financial ruin and depression reached the zenith of war and prosperity.’ Their lives, however, never reach a comparable high point. When Caleb and Lionel meet again at Cornell, they recognize their homosexual bond, but Caleb sunders their relationship out of fear that disclosure might ruin his career. Roslyn gets the first glimmers of her lesbian predilection at summer camp (these scenes ring with authenticity), but society confines her to a conventional path. Kate, unable to break her incestuous bond with her brother, subsumes her sexuality in religion. Grumbach tells her story in laconic prose that is most successful in the beginning section, which reads like a fable, but later lapses into some awkwardness (the overuse of the phrase ‘could bear no longer’) and some sledgehammer moralizing. As an honest portrayal of self-realization sacrificed to social conventions, however, the book has a visceral impact.

Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist

Grumbach’s latest novel is grimly compelling in its portrayal of four lives filled with stifled desires, major depression, incest, self-sacrifice, and thwarted love. The four meet as children in the summer of 1929 in the Long Island beach town, Far Rockaway. Caleb and Kate Flowers, sheltered by their widowed mother, encounter two children of the ‘summer people,’ Lionel Schwartz and his playmate from New York City, the intelligent, domineering Roslyn Hellman. As the quartet swims and croquets through the summers and pubescence, Grumbach paints a glowing picture of warmth, security, and safety that is shattered by the Great Depression. Ultimately, societal constraints on sexual expression, not financial reversals, prove the undoing of the four, who, though creative and imaginative, are caught in a whirlpool of homosexual and incestuous love yet find no long-lasting outlet for their obstructed passions. With death at an early age presented as a happy alternative to living inauthentically, this is a ruthlessly ugly depiction of interwar America that emphasizes the tragedy of lives lost to tradition and convention. Whitney Scott

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ISBN 393037703
Genre Historical Fiction
Publication Date 05-Jul-95
Publisher WW Norton
Format Hardcover
No. of Pages 248
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 1405

Author: LFWBooks