Burning by Jane Chambers


Jane Chambers

lesbian gothic suspense novel’

Cynthia desperately needed a break from the city routine and grabbed the offer of a vacation home, sight unseen. Hiring Angela, a young woman who lived in the same apartment building, to help her take care of the children, Cynthia took possession of the old New England farmhouse. — And then from an earlier century, Abigail and Martha reached out to possess the living. Cynthia and Angela helped Abigail and Martha live out the love which the latter pair could not complete in their own century, and let their spirits be set free, to rest together in eternal love and peace.

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ISBN 9780935672107
Genre Speculative Fiction
Copyright Date 1978
Publication Date Apr-95
Publisher TNT Classics Inc
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 157
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 1582

Author: LFWBooks