Category: Pulp

Posted in Pulp

Summer of Sin by Orrie Hitt

Orrie Hitt | Summer of Sin | ‘The girls wore bathing suits and wanted to play. Clem Evans learned that Nan was good for him – Emily was easy for him – Gloria was a challenge to hi

Posted in Mystery Pulp

The Savage Salome by Carter Brown

Carter Brown | The Savage Salome | ‘Danny Boyd tries for an encore with a sizzling soprano while the chorus auditions for MURDER!’

Posted in Pulp

Renée by H.R. Lenormand

H.R. Lenormand | Renée | ‘An uninhibited girl of the Paris streets.’

Posted in Pulp

Swinging Sorority / Strange Roomates by Edward McCallin; Chris Harrison

Edward McCallin; Chris Harrison | Swinging Sorority / Strange Roomates | ‘SWINGING SORORITY: No one suspected what went on behind the ivy-covered walls of the sorority house, where pretty young girls went through strange in

Posted in Pulp

Left of Sex by Stacey Clubb; Gil Orlovitz

Stacey Clubb; Gil Orlovitz | Left of Sex | Two young women, one tortured young man … caught in the grip of an unholy triangle

Cover copy reads: ‘About two girls and a man caught up i

Posted in Pulp

Sisters In Servitude by Anonymous

Anonymous | Sisters In Servitude | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Mystery Pulp

The Angry Woman by James Ronald

James Ronald | The Angry Woman | A thrilling fictional work exploring the evil genius of a strange and bitter woman.

Posted in Pulp

The Rich Bitch by Jose Lengua

Jose Lengua | The Rich Bitch | A young couple experiences domination and corporal punishment at the hands of brutal women. The action is primarily lesbian.

Posted in Pulp

Stronger Than Love by Jess Draper

Jess Draper | Stronger Than Love | ‘She’d gone through hell to get him and she’s pay any price to hold him.’ A shattering study of a woman’s disintegration.

Posted in Pulp

The Fruit Plucker by Ralph Churie

Ralph Churie | The Fruit Plucker | ‘She was a switch-hitter in the game of sex! A hot pants lesbian, she sought new thrills!’–cover.