Category: Pulp

Posted in Pulp

The Wanton Heiress by Ken Barry

Ken Barry | The Wanton Heiress | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Nowhere Girl by Don Elliott; Robert Silverberg

Don Elliott; Robert Silverberg | Nowhere Girl | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Gay Butch by Terry Lefcourt

Terry Lefcourt | Gay Butch | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Checklist by Marion Zimmer Bradley Grier Rated Pulp

Odd Girl Out by Ann Bannon

Ann Bannon | Odd Girl Out | Beth was there when Laura arrived…

She was the brain, the sparkle, the gay rebel voice, and wonder of wonders, she choose Laura as her room

Posted in Pulp

All Lovers Accepted by Wysteria Lee

Wysteria Lee | All Lovers Accepted | We are unable to provide a description at this time. However, WorldCat indicates 2 libraries have this book under the author name Wysteria Lee. Subjec

Posted in Pulp

We Two by Ann Brady Clay

Ann Brady Clay | We Two | ‘they lived in a world all their own… a world without men.’

From the back:

The Inner Circle

Valerie… a wildly passionat

Posted in Pulp

The Lash by John B. Thompson

John B. Thompson | The Lash | Maris Van Norden got her kicks in peculiar ways; racy lesbian novel

Posted in Pulp

Song of the Whip by Barry Devlin

Barry Devlin | Song of the Whip | ‘Here was a vicious contest between man and woman. Which was the crueler…more passionate…more twisted?’

‘A bold, biting novel of tor

Posted in Grier Rated Pulp

The Doctor and the Dike by Jason Hytes

Jason Hytes | The Doctor and the Dike | The Doctor knew all about women, and he solved their sex problems in a most unique manner. His beautiful receptionist also had a problem — Lesbianism

Posted in Pulp

Mask of Evil by Charlene White

Charlene White | Mask of Evil | ‘Brigitte is forced to participate in still another sex-Hell in which Satan comes to life, complete with horns, mask of evil, black leather boots and