Category: Pulp

Posted in Pulp

Cherry-Go-Round by Lamar McMann

Lamar McMann | Cherry-Go-Round | Jody had a problem. When she sang, everybody–male and female–loved her. But you can’t keep singing forever. And when she stopped, everybody–male an

Posted in Pulp

Any Two Can Play by James L. Rubel

James L. Rubel | Any Two Can Play | Sexy nympho novel about gal who does a lot of guys and has a lesbian lover.

‘The most shocking story ever read!’

Posted in Pulp

Loving Her by Ann Shockley

Ann Shockley | Loving Her | The groundbreaking story centers on Renay, a talented black musician who is forced by pregnancy to marry the abusive, alcoholic Jerome Lee. When Jerom

Posted in Pulp

Mistress Minx by Don Bellmore

Don Bellmore | Mistress Minx | ‘He gambled his marriage against —‘

Croupier Casanova! Ask any male, and he’d tell you Rex had it made — his part ownership of the casino

Posted in Pulp

The Punks by Lee Richards

Lee Richards | The Punks | First Line(s)

Rushing southwest across Illinois, April Williams had made the long drive from Chicago, her thoughts and feelings alternating f

Posted in Pulp

How Dark My Love by Rea Michaels

Rea Michaels | How Dark My Love | Their Affair Was Doubly Forbidden — But They Couldn’t Give It Up!

Posted in Pulp

Sex And The Servant by Lawrence K. Knight

Lawrence K. Knight | Sex And The Servant | ‘An eye opening report on the growing sexual exploitation between employer and domestic – and vice versa!’

Posted in Pulp

Perverse Loves by Earl Worley

Earl Worley | Perverse Loves | We are unable to provide a description at this time.

Posted in Pulp

Some do by Jane DeLynn

Jane DeLynn | Some do | A novel about the feminists and radicals of ’60s-’70s at Berkeley. Pro women’s gay and lesbian rights.

Posted in Pulp

Lust Thy Friends And Neighbors by Cliff Heathe

Cliff Heathe | Lust Thy Friends And Neighbors | We are unable to provide a description at this time.