Changing Our Lives by Veronica Groocock

Changing Our Lives

Lesbian Passions, Politics, Priorities

Veronica Groocock

Changing Our Lives takes as its starting-point the 1970s, when the dawn of Women’s Liberation allowed many women to express and politicize their lesbianism for the first time. The lesbian feminist politics of that era provided a natural home for many of the women interviewed in this book, such as Sheila Jeffreys, whilst others, including Jill Posener, tell how they felt damaged by its prescriptive definitions of lesbianism.

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ISBN 9780304329014
Genre LGBT Studies/Social Sciences
Publication Date Mar-96
Publisher Cassell
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 204
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Feminism; Gay rights; Lesbianism; Lesbians; Social Science / Gay Studies
BookID 1920

Author: LFWBooks