Confessions Of Cherubino by Bertha Harris

Confessions Of Cherubino

Bertha Harris


One step beyond Catching Saradove (1969), Ellen does not run away from a bombardment of identities but has acquired a new aggressive sexuality. Ellen is a girl determined not to be had; and when she learns of the death of her father, Roger, she comes to grips with warring ”masculine” and ”feminine” feelings within herself. Ellen reviles and attempts to murder a pursuing lesbian, the unholy Sanctissima; she accepts puppy dog intercourse with a nameless ”soldier boy”; and leaves her ”rabbit” self in the form of Margaret to the mercies of a perverted teacher of Greek. One other exposure to mythic sexuality comes with a fantasied visitation from the late Roger — in boots and cape. While at home in a household of women and impotent males, Ellen sorts out the varieties of lust’s victims, including the housemaid, America, who bore Roger’s child. After Ellen has left home with America, bears her own child and deserts it, she finally retraces her steps homeward — to her family and son, with the mad Margaret. But now love is divorced from lust and unthreatening. Thorny and difficult, but Miss Harris’ exploration of the female sexual consciousness dazzles like a spray of diamond chips.

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ISBN 9780913780237
Genre Fiction
Copyright Date 1972
Publication Date 1978
Publisher Daughters
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 211
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 2368

Author: LFWBooks