Evel Dead Center by Carole Lafavor

Evel Dead Center

Carole Lafavor

Fans of lesbian mysteries who have been looking for diverse characters will be happy to see Evil Dead Center, the second in a series featuring Ojibwa sleuth Renee LaRoche. When the white coroner near Red Earth reservation dismisses the death of a Native American woman as death by alcohol and exposure, Renee and her former lover, American Indian Movement activist Cal Beltrain, investigate. While navigating the detritus of their relationship, ‘Runner’ and Cal discover a case that involves the abuse of Ojibwa kids placed in white foster homes. In addition to being a mystery, Evil Dead Center shows the different lives that Renee leads on and off the reservation, and how she negotiates her life as a two-spirit Native American queer person in a largely white, straight world.

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ISBN 1563410885
Genre Mystery; Native/Indigenous Interest
Publication Date Oct-97
Publisher Firebrand Books
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 221
Series Renee LaRoche
# in Series 2
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 3616

Author: LFWBooks