Fieldwork by Maureen Moore


Maureen Moore

To complete her requirements in Criminology Marsha Lewis had to intern with the homicide department of the Vancouver police. She wasn’t very keen. She was a graduate student in urban anthropology and a perennially broke single mother living with her daughter and slightly-scattered aunt. Marsh was definitely not a cop.

Matters were complicated when a prominent local doctor was found dead. Women health activists were soon placed high on the police suspects list and Marsha, whether she wanted to or not, was there in the midst of a politically sensitive murder investigation.

From Publishers Weekly

Dr. Al Frampton, a wealthy Vancouver, B.C., surgeon, is murdered in the basement of his office building, and a slew of people are suspected. The doctor’s wife, Diana, feared her husband soon would cut her out of his will; his lesbian receptionist was afraid of being dismissed; Frampton’s unstable, illegitimate 30-year-old daughter recently had discovered his identity, and he rudely rebutted her efforts to get to know him; a former patient who was a high-priced modeluntil the doctor’s botched surgery disfigured herstill hated him; and a group of militant feminists disapproved of the way the doctor treated his female patients. Marsha Miller, an urban anthropology graduate student, observes the two police detectives assigned to the case, and together the three slowly narrow down the leads. This is a pleasant mystery that relies more on a kind of laid-back feminist atmosphere than on plot or suspense.

Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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ISBN 931188547
Genre Canadian Eh; Mystery
Copyright Date 1987
Publication Date Jun-87
Publisher Seal Press
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 191
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 3939

Author: LFWBooks