For Women Only by Dallas Mayo

For Women Only

Dallas Mayo

She was soft, blonde, desirable,,,another woman’s love slave


Something was bound to turn up, I figured. And it did. Or rather, she did. Right there in the hotel lobby! Her sidelong glance seemed more furtive thank frank, but I got the impression that she was hoping, too. Hoping for someone like me to happen along. Only she had to be subtle about it, naturally; why publicize a gay pickup? I was sure nobody else could see the interest lurking behind her mask of spurious nonchalance. Her eyes met mine more boldly as I walked by. I turned my head and stared, inquisitive, quite deliberate now. Then, stepping back toward her, I murmured the trite phrase that would work if my guess was accurate and cause no harm if it wasn’t. ‘I beg your pardonÂ…’ My tone was soft but firm. ‘You look familiar. Do we know each other from somewhere?’ ‘Umm, no, I don’t think so.’ She shrugged. And with a roguish smile, ‘But does it really matter?’ That did it. I smiled back and we…

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Genre Erotica; Pulp
Publication Date 1978
Publisher Midwood
Format Mass Market Paperback
Notes Midwood Book 61140
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Lesbian Sleaze
BookID 4199

Author: LFWBooks