Gay and Lesbian Role Models by Jaime A. Seba

Gay and Lesbian Role Models

The Gallup’s Guide to Modern Gay, Lesbian, & Transgender Lifestyle

Jaime A. Seba

Most people have at least one person to look up to and use as a model for their own life. But many of those who are a part of the LGBT community lack someone to relate to. This book features the lives and actions of various prominent gay and lesbian role models, including Bishop Eugene Robinson, comedian Ellen DeGeneres and late politician Harvey Milk.

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ISBN 978-1422218679
Genre LGBT Studies/Social Sciences; YA Nonfiction (Young Adult)
Publication Date 01-Sep-10
Publisher Mason Crest Publishers
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 64
Series Gallup’s Guide to Modern Gay, Lesbian, & Transgender Lifestyle
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Gays; Gays/ Juvenile Literature; Lesbians; Lesbians/ Juvenile Literature; Role Models/ Juvenile Literature
BookID 4522

Author: LFWBooks