Gertrude Stein by Avis Burnett

Gertrude Stein

Avis Burnett

The name Gertrude Stein calls up different images for different people. For some it is prose and poetry that seem to play with words and sounds instead of meanings. For others it is an unconventional life attended by considerable publicity. For still others it is of a person at the center of the artistic and cultural life that flourished in Paris between the two world wars. It is Paris in the Twenties and Hemingway and Picasso and Sherwood Anderson. For all that her name is known to many, Gertrude Stein as a person is known to few. She was a rebel. She was unconventional in many ways. She was always herself. She was also shy, intelligent, serious about her work, conservative in many aspects of living. She was a connoisseur of art, of good cooking, of pleasant places, and of the good life. She adored people, but she also demanded quiet. Gertrude Stein is best understood not by description, but by glimpses of the life she lived and the person she was. And that is what this book gives.

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Genre Autobiography/Biography
Publication Date 1972
Publisher Atheneum
No. of Pages 187
LoC Classification PZ4 .B9637
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 4685

Author: LFWBooks