Heartscape by Sue Gambill


Sue Gambill

An American lesbian in Portugal…

Burdened by a broken love affair, and a deep sense of alienation from modern American culture, Leslie had fled back to old friends in Portugal.

Once again Joana and Miguel open their home, with all its familial comfort, to her. Once again she immerses herself in a land of ancient customs, a lovely land that contains the stately presence of the centuries.

But her former lover in America is sending mixed signals, and refusing to let old wounds heal. And when Leslie speaks of her sexual identity to Joanna and Miguel, Miguel’s reaction is disturbingly ambiguous. Then Leslie meets the alluring artist, Helena.

Leslie discovers that the year she lived in Provincetown has strengthened her acceptance of herself as a lesbian. And the flashfire of passion between herself and Helena, she sees her Portuguese lover and her new gay friends through the altered eyes of her American lesbian sensibility. Finally, and irrevocably, she must decide between a new lover in her beloved Portugal and the newly won sexual openness of America’s gay community….

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ISBN 941483339
Genre Romance
Publication Date Jun-89
Publisher Naiad Press
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 175
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 5245

Author: LFWBooks